Tastypie annoate / groupby returns a "pk" errordjangotastypie datacubed

When using django's annotate to get a "group by" it makes sense it returns objects without PK. As it wouldn't make sense to group by a field, sum up some other fields, and get single row PK IDs. I ...

django tastypie

Why request.body is empty on call custom API using tastypie?pythondjangoapiswaggertastypie Shivanikakrecha

Facing issue with POST API call. I am using tastypie prepend_urls wrap_view for login custom api. I am using below versions: Tastypie 0.14.3 Tastypie_swagger 0.1.4 Django 2.2.12 Python 3.5.2 ...

python django api swagger tastypie

How to convert a Django model instance to JSON using existing Tastypie Resource?jsondjangotastypie JWL

This problem is related to this other problem, but instead, I wish to convert a single model instance to JSON, using an existing Tastypie Resource.

json django tastypie

pre_save signal using tastypie api not allowing me to access "instance" fieldpythondjangotastypie Mattia Peracchi

I'm working on this small Django project in which I'm using pre_save signals to update a table in which I save the cumulative value of a certain quantity, whenever a new Transaction is created or ...

python django tastypie

How to get multiple ressources using one URI?tastypie Julien B.

When I issue this curl command: curl http://localhost/refeq/v1/vehiclesequipements/?format=json -s | jq . I get: { "objects":[ { "vehicle_id": 9759, "resource_uri": "/refeq/v1/...


How to use a part of URL to filter models? (using tastypie)pythondjangodjango-modelstastypie karlb3rg

Hello this is my first post. I have an api app using tastypie. It reads models from database. I would like to use a part of the api url to filter on certain objects. No arguments, just a part of url. ...

python django django-models tastypie

How reverse an include pattern path in Djangodjangotastypie Arthur Decker

Hi i am wondering how i can reverse a urlpattern path that uses include pattern. Since there is no namespace i don't know how to reverse it. Also i am new to Django so all this is a little bizarre to ...

django tastypie

Memory Error while doing `request.POST.copy()'djangotastypie Ahmed Nour Eldeen

I have a Django application that allows users to upload files. I do that using tastypie rest, it works perfectly with normal size files. but an error occurs when uploading a 500MB file. the error ...

django tastypie

Changing the queryKey argument in bootstrap autocompletedjangobootstrap-4autocompletetastypie Ottavio Campana

I am using bootstrap autocomplete to fetch data from django-tastypie. The problem that I am facing is that bootstrap autocomplete uses a parameter q, while tastypie has all the regular django options....

django bootstrap-4 autocomplete tastypie

How user authentication is different than session authenticationdjangotastypie gourav kumar

I am new to Django and I am trying to write some APIs. Django has user-based authentication request.user.is_authenticated() to check whether a valid user is logged in or not. There is also session ...

django tastypie

django_tastypie can't recognize urlpythondjangotastypie HuLu ViCa

I am starting a new project with Django and neo4j, and the most promising library for developing REST services is TastyPie (Django Rest Framework is to tied to ORM, and neo4j is not a relational ...

python django tastypie

Django: psychopg2 unique violation error anyway to fix thispythonsqldjangopostgresql M.N

I was updating my django projects version from 2.1 to 2.2 and it looks like some errors occurred with my staging database (I am assuming from all the answers that look similar to my problem). I ...

python sql django postgresql

Why i am i encountering DrawingProfile.DoesNotExist Exception in Django?djangodjango-modelstastypie Arthur Decker

I am trying to resolve a bug in the API from a code i inherited. I am new to Django and tastypie so i don't know how to resolved this. I have imported my model but i do not know why i am getting ...

django django-models tastypie



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Spring boot学习(四)Spring boot整合Druid

在上一篇博客中我们介绍了Spring boot配置Mybatis,但是并没有配置连接池,这在实际开发过程中肯定是不切实际的,多次的数据库连接会给程序和数据库都带来没必要的负担,这一篇博客我将介绍java中目前最好,最流行的数据库连接池---Druid。 话不多说,下面开始在我们…

Spring Boot


